Kingston Community Schools remains committed to promoting cyber safety, not just on campus, but in our homes and community as well. With a growing number of kids engaging in online activities, it has become increasingly necessary to equip them with education, awareness and tools to keep them safe while learning and having fun online. The REMC Association of Michigan has put together a list of resources targeted toward K-12 educators or anyone looking for a place to start with cybersecurity. You will also find many links in the Internet Safety Resources for Families section above which promote cyber safety.

Cyber Safety Initiative
Kingston Community Schools
Educational & Fun Sites!
Science Project Resources
Spelling City
Word Central
Brain Pop
Figure This!
Chevron Cars
Smithsonian Education for Kids
Ben's Guide
Math Playground
The Kid Page
The First Thanksgiving
Kids Turn Central
Weather Wiz Kids
Nasa Space Place
Cool Math for Kids
All Things Christmas
America's Library
AAA Math
Educator Resources
Keep Safe Coalition
ConnectSafely Educator Guides
For information, questions, or comments regarding the use of technology at Kingston Community Schools, contact the district Technology Director, Andrew Weidman at 989-683-2550 x34337 or e-mail: